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- Description
- Downloads
The differential thermometer records temperature values from 2 connected thermocouple probes and displays them simultaneously. The reading from an additional temperature probe can also be wirelessly displayed in the testo 922 measuring instrument; i.e. measurement data is transmitted by radio. Differential temperature can be called up immediately. Current measurement data such as max/min data can be printed on the Testo fast printer on site. It is possible to print measurement data once a minute, for example, on the printer if cyclical printing is in operation.
- 2 channel measuring instrument with optional radio probe
- Displays differential temperature
- Cyclical printing of readings, e.g. once a minute
- Continuous display of max/min values
- Hold button to freeze reading
- TopSafe, indestructible case, protects from dirt and impact (option)
- Display light
- On site printout on Testo fast printer
- 2 channel measuring instrument with optional radio probe
- Displays differential temperature
- Cyclical printing of readings, e.g. once a minute
- Continuous display of max/min values
- Hold button to freeze reading
- TopSafe, indestructible case, protects from dirt and impact (option)
- Display light
- On site printout on Testo fast printer
Downloads for testo 922 2 Channel Differential Thermometer:
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